2022 |
Oct |
1 |
JICQA's 30th anniversary of the foundation |
2021 |
June |
7 |
ISMS-PIMS(ISO/IEC27701) certification business started |
June |
7 |
Head Office moved to Irifune, Chuo-ku, Tokyo (on the 12th floors of the Sumitomo Irifune Bldg.) |
2019 |
Feb |
14 |
Registered as an accredited certification body for technical information leakage prevention |
2018 |
Oct |
10 |
ISMS-AC accreditation granted on ISMS-CLS/ISO/IEC27017 certification |
Feb |
20 |
JISQ9091 certification business started |
2017 |
Nov |
21 |
JAB accreditation granted on JFS-C certification |
Jan |
1 |
Management system certifications of transferred Deloitte Tohmatsu Evaluation and Certification Organization Co.,Ltd |
2016 |
Sep |
27 |
JFS-E-C certification business started |
2015 |
May |
21 |
JAB accreditation granted on GHG verification |
Apr |
28 |
JIS overseas certification activity started |
2013 |
Nov |
7 |
Registered as a verification body of the J-credit system |
Feb |
1 |
LSMS/ ISO 29990 certification business started |
Jan |
16 |
JIPDEC(current ISMS-AC) accreditation granted on BCMS/ ISO 22301 certification |
Jan |
1 |
RTSMS/ ISO 39001 certification business started |
2012 |
Oct |
1 |
JICQA's 20th anniversary of the foundation |
Sep |
21 |
JAB accreditation granted on FSSC 22000 certification |
Jul |
20 |
JAB accreditation granted on EnMS/ ISO 50001 certification |
May |
22 |
RvA accreditation granted on FSMS/ ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000 certifications |
2011 |
May |
31 |
Accredited as a verification body of the Saitama Prefecture 'Target-setting-type Emissions trading system' |
Jan |
24 |
JIPDEC(current ISMS-AC) accreditation granted on BCMS/ BS 25999-2 certification |
2009 |
Aug |
31 |
Accredited as a verification body of the Tokyo Metropolis 'Obligation of overall amount reduction and Emissions trading system' |
Jul |
16 |
Accredited as a verification body of the Domestic Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) |
Jul |
15 |
Accredited as a third party verification body of the trial Emissions trading scheme |
2008 |
Nov |
20 |
SRI-JICQA Corporation established (jointly operated with SRI) |
Aug |
1 |
JAB accreditation granted on FSMS/ ISO 22000 certification |
Apr |
1 |
Business integration with NIAC-QA |
Apr |
1 |
Okinawa Office opened in Naha-shi |
2007 |
Oct |
1 |
Business integration with LQRI |
May |
18 |
JIPDEC(current ISMS-AC) accreditation granted on ITSMS/ ISO/IEC 20000-1 certification |
2006 |
Dec |
20 |
J-AOEI (current J-SUS) accreditation granted as an environmental information (environmental report) auditing body |
Nov |
1 |
Tohoku Office opened in Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi |
Apr |
1 |
Business integration with KPMG RJ |
Jan |
12 |
RvA accreditation granted on ISMS/ ISO/IEC 27001 certification |
Jan |
1 |
FSMS/ ISO 22000 certification business started |
2005 |
Dec |
29 |
JIPDEC(current ISMS-AC) accreditation granted on ISMS/ ISO/IEC 27001 certification |
Dec |
26 |
Registered as a JIS certification body by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry |
2004 |
Mar |
29 |
Head Office moved to Shintomi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo (on the 8th & 9th floors of the RMB Tsukiji Bldg.) |
2003 |
Dec |
17 |
RvA accreditation granted on ISMS/ BS 7799-2 certification |
May |
21 |
JAB accreditation granted on AS-QMS certification |
2002 |
Oct |
1 |
JICQA's 10th anniversary of the foundation |
Apr |
19 |
JIPDEC (current ISMS-AC) accreditation granted on ISMS certification (with the ISMS certification criteria) |
2001 |
Dec |
5 |
RvA accreditation certificate of EMS/ ISO 14001 certification received at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Japan |
Sep |
26 |
RvA accreditation granted on EMS/ ISO 14001 certification |
Mar |
1 |
Nagoya Office opened in Kanayama, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi |
2000 |
Nov |
1 |
Chugoku Office opened in Minami-ku, Hiroshima-shi |
Jul |
1 |
'JICQA Tomonokai' set up as the friendship society for the JICQA-certified organizations |
Mar |
6 |
HACCP system certification business started |
1999 |
Apr |
20 |
OHSMS seminar held in Osaka (joint hosting with Nihon Kougyou Keizaishinbun Inc.) |
1998 |
Nov |
10 |
Kyushu Office opened in Kokura-ku, Kitakyushu-shi |
Oct |
8 |
OHSMS certification business started |
1997 |
Nov |
5 |
JAB accreditation granted on QS-9000 certification |
Jul |
1 |
Osaka Office opened in Higobashi, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi |
Jun |
25 |
Public Training Center operation started |
1996 |
Dec |
25 |
JAB accreditation granted on EMS/ ISO 14001 |
Sep |
1 |
Head Office moved to Hacchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo (in the Hakudo Daiichi Bldg.) |
Mar |
6 |
EMS/ ISO 14001 certification first given with the DIS version applied to Toyota Motor Corporation, Takaoka Plant |
1995 |
Jun |
30 |
Environmental management system certification business added to the JICQA's business objectives |
1994 |
Jul |
8 |
JAB accreditation granted on QMS/ ISO 9000s |
1993 |
Dec |
15 |
RvC (current RvA) accreditation granted on QMS/ ISO 9000s |
Feb |
2 |
QMS/ ISO 9001 certification first given to Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd., Wakayama Works (now Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Wakayama Works) |
1992 |
Oct |
1 |
JIC Quality Assurance Ltd. (JICQA) founded with the Head Office in the Tekko Kaikan Bldg. at Nihonbashi-Kayabacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo |