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Objections and complaints concerning JIS certification
Please refer to the section “Objections and complaints,” and complete and submit the form “Statement of Objection Appeals and Complaints.”
Statement of Objection Appeals and Complaints
“Statement of Objection Appeals and Complaints” can be downloaded either in PDF or Word format for your convenience. After completing the form with the necessary information, please send it to the department shown below.
Statement of Objection Appeals and Complaints(PDF)
Statement of Objection Appeals and Complaints(Word)
• To:
JIC Quality Assurance Ltd. (JICQA) Customers Relations Office
Sumitomo Irifune Bldg. 12th Fl., 2-1-1 Irifune, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0042, Japan
Tel. 03-5541-2751 Fax. 03-5541-2955
Objections and complaints
Handling of objections and complaints concerning JIS certification(PDF)
JICQA will respond to objections from the Applicants and the Licensees (hereafter, organization) and complaints from organizations and interested parties (hereafter, parties) as follows.
(Overview is shown in 4. Objections/complaints processing flowchart. )
1. Objections and Complaints
1) Objections and complaints are defined as follows:
Type | Complainant | Matters in question |
Objection Note) | Organization | It involves a request made by the Organization regarding the relevant JIS certification for JICQA to reconsider the unfavorable decision against the Organization. Such unfavorable decision includes: a) rejection of accepting Organization’s certification application b) refusal to progress audit to the next phase c) being requested to take corrective actions that have no validity d) decision(s) to reject or revoke certification, and reduce scope of certification e) suspension of use of JIS mark etc. f) other activities to prevent acquisition of certification. |
Complaint(s) | Organization/parties | It constitutes organization and interested parties’ statement of dissatisfaction, in expectation for a response, against all of JICQA’s JIS certification activities, except what is included in the above-mentioned objections. The following cases will not be regarded as relevant complaints. a) matters that JICQA judges to be beyond the scope of liability and authority of JICQA. b) matters that JICQA judges to be unrelated to Organization’s JIS certified product c) cases where the name and contact information of the Complainant cannot be identified |
Note) Only the relevant organization is eligible to submit an objection.
2) The following instances will prompt JICQA to temporarily suspend the processing of objections and complaints even they are applicable to the aforementioned conditions above.
- In cases where the relevant matter is already under trial or in mediation proceedings.
- In cases where the relevant matter is brought to trial or mediation proceedings, while being deliberated at JICQA.
- In cases where the relevant matter had been deliberated by JICQA, and has no new findings that will warrant re-deliberation.
3) When an object has been accepted, the following rules will apply until a deliberation result is obtained.
- JICQA holds the relevant decision, in the status before the decision was made.
- JICQA holds back the audit and does not proceed to the next phase.
- JICQA will not accept a new application (e.g., extension of scope of registration)
2. Handling of objections and complaints
2.1 Public statement of objections and complaints
1) The Complainant has the right to submit his/her “Statement of Objection Appeals and Complaints” to JICQA within 30 days from the date of occurrence of grounds for the objection was came to be known.
2) The complainant can submit his/her objections using the attached “Statement of Objection Appeals and Complaints” form, any written statement (including an email) that clearly describes equivalent details, or via other means to JICQA.
2.2 Reception of objections and complaints
1) Statement of objections and complaints will be accepted at Customers Relations Office.
2) JICQA will divide the statement after examining the contents into either “objections,” “complaints,” or “not-applicable,” and notify the division result to the complainant.
3) If the statement involves an organization, the relevant organization will be notified of the description of the statement. (For this communication process, the Complainant will be asked in advance, if the name of the Complainant can be notified to the relevant organization.)
4) If the Complainant disagrees with the above-mentioned division, JICQA requests notification of such matter within fourteen days of the date of notification receipt. When a request is made, JICQA will re-examine the case and announce the result.
5) How “objections” are handled is represented in 2.3, and “Complaints” in 2.4.
2.3 Handling of objections
1) JICQA establishes, for the objections, an Appeals Panel that consists of external experts committee members without any conflict of interests in this matter (hereafter, Panel), and deliberates the contents of the statement.
The Complainant can request changes in the selected committee members only when there is a valid reason. The Complainant is invited to attend the committee meetings and express opinions on the matter.
2) The Panel will conclude the deliberation within a maximum of six months of the first deliberation date, to notify the Complainant.
(If the deliberation is extended, deliberation proceedings will be regularly reported to the Complainant.)
3) If the Complainant is disaffected with the deliberation results, JICQA requests notification of such matter within fourteen days of the date of notification receipt.
4) If the dissatisfaction is deemed reasonable, re-deliberation will be made at the Panel to produce a speedy conclusion for notification.
In cases where there is no valid reason for the dissatisfaction, notification of such matter will be made to the Complainant, and the previously mentioned deliberation result 2) will become JICQA’s official conclusion of the appeal.
2.4 Handling of complaints
1) JICQA investigates the detail of the complaint and determines how to proceed. These investigations and decision of complaint process will be conducted by those who have no conflict of interests in the relevant complaint.
2) JICQA will notify the Complainant of how the complaint will be handled.
3) If the Complainant is disaffected with the complaint-processing result, JICQA requests notification of such matter within fourteen days of the date of notification receipt.
4) If the Complainant and JICQA cannot reach resolution among them, JICQA will establish a Complaints Panel that consists of external experts committee members without any conflict of interests in this matter (hereafter, Panel), and deliberates the contents of the complaint.
The Complainant can request changes in the selected committee members only when there is a valid reason. The Complainant is invited to attend the committee meetings and express opinions on the matter.
5) The Panel will conclude the deliberation within a maximum of six months of the first deliberation date, to notify the Complainant. (If the deliberation is extended, deliberation proceedings will be regularly reported to the Complainant.)
6) If the Complainant is disaffected with the deliberation result, JICQA requests notification of such matter within fourteen days of the date of notification receipt.
7) If the dissatisfaction is deemed reasonable, re-examination will be conducted at the Panel to produce a speedy conclusion for notification.
In cases where there is no valid reason for the dissatisfaction, notification of such matter will be made to the Complainant, and the previously mentioned deliberation result 5) will become JICQA’s official conclusion of the complaint.
3. Others
3.1 Notification for JIS accreditation body (METI)
JICQA will notify the JIS accreditation body (METI) as necessary, when a statement of objections or complaint was made against them, and report on the deliberation result from the Appeals Panel for objections, or private discussion results and/or deliberation results from the Complaints Panel to the relevant JIS accreditation body (METI).
3.2. Public announcement of complaint-handling results
JICQA may choose to announce the results of complaint-handling cases within the scope agreed with the Complainant. If the complaint involves an organization, JICQA may announce information related to a complaint within the range of information agreed upon by the three
parties: the Complainant, the relevant organization, and JICQA.
4. Objections/Complaints processing flowchart