JIS Certification

Being highly experienced as a certification/registration body of ISO management system, we are also distinguished for our competence of performing JIS Certification audit, placing emphasis on practical matters and facts in terms of the certification criteria. This auditing policy enables our auditors be proactive with profound viewpoint for certification, and keep the situation in perspective.

JICQA was accredited as a registered certification body (JIS certification body) by METI on December 26, 2005 (registration number 040504).
JICQA provides certification services in Japan and the countries listed below:
U.S.A., Italy, India, Indonesia, Estonia, Australia, Austria, Netherlands, Canada, Greece, United Kingdom, Croatia, Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Hungary, Philippines, Finland, Brazil, France, Vietnam, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Malaysia, Myanmar, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Luxembourg

JICQA is also highly experienced as a certification/registration body of ISO management system, and distinguished for personnel having extensive knowledge and experience in manufacturing/processing process, quality management/control, and product development, etc., which enables us to conduct highly reliable certification services over a wide range of the JIS products.

* New JIS Mark Scheme
The new JIS Mark Scheme, a product certification scheme based on internationally recognized rules, came into effect in October 2005, after revision was made to the Industrial Standardization Law (June 2004). This new scheme now allows JIS Mark marking on products based on Certification and Certification Maintenance Surveillance implemented by a registered and third-party certification body instead of the previous governmental certification program.

“JICQA” and “QA” are approved abbreviations for the JIC Quality Assurance Ltd., a registered certification body for the JIS Mark Scheme.

JIS Standards - Certification covered by JICQA
(1) Civil engineering and architecture : 20 in total
(2) Mechanical engineering : 24 in total
(3) Railway engineering : 6 in total
(4) Ferrous materials and metallurgy : 122 in total
(5) Nonferrous materials and metallurgy : 31 in total
(6) Ceramics : 1 in total
(7) Miscellaneous
・ Container ・Packaging ・Welding
: 16 in total


Communication between overseas clients and JICQA in writing, by e-mail or telephone is to be in English, whereas JICQA conducts a factory audit and product testing in Japanese at the overseas actual site through an interpreter (interpreters) that the clients have to arrange in advance.

Contact us

JIC Quality Assurance Ltd. JIS Certification Department
Sumitomo Irifune Bldg. 12th Fl., 2-1-1 Irifune, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0042, Japan
TEL:03-5541-2753 / FAX 03-5541-2955
Please use the following form to send us your e-mail inquiries.

JIS Certification of JICQA

JIS certification procedures